The project

The aim of the project is to extract knowledge from Divina Commedia of Dante. In particular we have chosen to examine Inferno, Canto V and to convert knowledge into a Link Open Data enviroment. DIVO (Dante Inferno V Ontology) is a specific ontology for the analysis of the Divina Commedia. It is populated with the data of Canto V, but it can be used to analyze all the other Canti. We chose this particular Canto because it is rich in characters and places that can be well connected to other information and literary works, in order to give an idea of the immensity of the world around Divina Commedia. For the collection of data we have based our research on the following editions:

Development of the ontology

For the creation of our ontology we started from the structure of the Divina Commedia. We have therefore created the classes: Cantica, Canto, Line in order to represent the structure of the text. Subsequently, we enriched it with classes covering places and characters related to the entire Divina Commedia’s universe. So we will find the AgentClass and its subclasses to define the characters gravitating around the Canto, as well as the Place class to classify places. In addition to this type of analysis, we have taken into consideration the comments of four Dantists. Therefore we have included in the ontology some classes that refer to this aspect and all the information that comes from it, to be able to connect them to the text. In addition, we have created a class that hosts all the literary works, their authors and specific quotations to which Dante refers in Canto V. Our ontology is thus divided into three "macro" classes, Agent, LiteraryElement and Place. In this way it will be possibile to re-use our ontology by starting from a single Canto, no matter of the choosen Cantica.

Technical choices

During the development of ontology, specifically in the phase of creating individuals, we came across a number of issues of categorization, for example: